A. Abalone Shell - Amazonite - Amethyst - Apatite - Aquamarine - Auralite-23 B. Bali Beads - Black Onyx - Blue Cloisonne - Blue Lace Agate - Blue Sea Sediment - Blue Striped Onyx Agate - Blue Tiger's Eye - Botswana C. Chrysanthemum Fossil Coral - Coffee Striped Agate G. Gibeon Meteorite - Green African Turquoise - Grey Map Jasper H. Hematite - Howlite K. Kyanite L. Labradorite - Lapis Lazuli - Larimar - Lava Stone M. Malachite - Meteorite - Moonstone - Murano Silver or Gold Foil Venetian Glass O. Obsidian Black - Obsidian Snowflake- Opal P. Pearls - Peridot - Phantom Quartz - Picasso Jasper - Picture Jasper R. Red Bamboo - Red Carnelian - Red Garnet - Red Grid Agate - Rhyolite - Rose Quartz - Rutilated Quartz S. Sand Stone Blue - Snakeskin Blue Jasper - Sodalite - Strawberry Quartz - Sunstone - Swarovski T. Tiger's Eye - Tridacna - Turquoise - Turquoise Calsilica

Abalone Shell
Our abalone shells are ethically sourced, known for their vibrant and iridescent appearance. Each shell is selected for its unique pattern and natural sheen, making every bracelet one of a kind. The handcrafting process respects both tradition and nature, ensuring a responsible and high-quality creation.
Wearing abalone shell is said to promote emotional balance and inner peace. Its calming energy, believed to resonate with the element of water, helps you stay centered and grounded, especially during stressful moments. A true symbol of tranquility and connection to nature.

Amazonite is a mineral of limited occurrence. Its name is taken from that of the Amazon River, from which green stones were formerly obtained, though it is unknown whether those stones were amazonite. The name remain. Although it has been used for over two thousand years, as attested by archaeological finds in Egypt and Mesopotamia, no ancient or medieval authority mentions it. It was first described as a distinct mineral only in the 18th century.
Provenance of Amazonite:
Amazonite is found in: Russia, China, Libya, Mongolia, United States.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Amazonite:
Good luck isn’t just a coincidence, especially when you include an Amazonite crystal in your gemstone collection. With its verdant shade of blue–green, the Amazonite crystal meaning reflects the lush foliage of the Amazon rainforest, although it’s commonly found in Colorado alongside Smoky Quartz clusters.

Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. Amethyst is a fitting birthstone for February. In addition to the beautiful color of this gemstone, Amethyst widely popular because it’s abundant and comes in bead sizes from 6 to 12 mm.
Amethyst is a myriad of colors with purple predominantly and is renowned for protection, cleansing, and healing.
Provenance of Amethyst:
USA, UK, Canada, Brasil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay Africa orientale, Siberia, India.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Amethyst:
The name comes from the Koine Greek ἀμέθυστος amethystos from ἀ- a-, “not” and μεθύσκω methysko / μεθύω methyo, “intoxicate”, a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. The ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication.

Apatite is found in sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous, and volcanic rocks. Moon rocks collected by astronauts during the Apollo program contain traces of apatite.
Apatite can form in sedimentary processes, igneous processes (e.g., Pegmatite), metamorphic processes, and in hydrothermal vents, as well as production by biological systems.
Provenance of Apatite:
Brazil, Myanmar, and Mexico. Other sources include Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, and the United States.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Apatite:
Apatite is a stone of manifestation. It is related to service and to humanitarian pursuits.
Apatite helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in all of the chakras.

Unlock pure elegance with our Aquamarine bracelet, designed to bring a tranquil yet powerful energy to your every day. Handcrafted with impeccable precision, this bracelet reflects light like no other, offering a refined touch that elevates any outfit. With its fresh, crisp design and unmatched quality, this piece becomes more than just jewelry—it’s a statement of purity.
Feel the calming waves of aquamarine, long cherished as a symbol of peace and courage. Its refreshing hues soothe the soul, while the expert craftsmanship offers a timeless aesthetic that seamlessly blends into your lifestyle. Be bold. Be serene. Be limitless.
Each aquamarine gemstone is responsibly sourced, known for its connection to the calming energy of the ocean, symbolizing clarity, harmony, and fearlessness.
Benefits of Wearing Aquamarine:
Known for its calming properties, aquamarine helps to reduce stress and quiet the mind. Its light blue color enhances clear communication and promotes inner peace, making it the perfect accessory for mindfulness and emotional balance.

Auralite 23 is a recently discovered rare Canadian Gem and Energy Stone. Auralite 23 consists of 23 minerals/metals: Rutile, Bornite, Epidote, Gialite, Chalcopyrite, Covellite, Sphalerite, Limonite, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Platinum, Silver, Gold, Pyrolusite, Goethite, Pyrite, Magnetite, Hematite, Ajoite, Lepidocrosite, Cacoxenite, Titanite.
Coloring is primarily translucent assortment of purple, gray, clear, orange, red (the red tips are from iron, this is more visible in larger crystals).
Auralite-23 crystals are about 1.2 billion – 2 billion years old, having been formed during the Meso-proterozoic age, at the time when multicellular creatures first emerged and began to flourish.
Provenance of Auralite-23:
Northern Canada.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Auralite-23:
It is called “A New Stone of the New Consciousness” because of it’s high frequency and abundance of metaphysical properties. Auralite 23 has so many compounds in it, it is beneficial to many different malfunctions of the body. Auralite 23 relaxes the body, in particular muscle spasms, muscle ache, headaches. The stone can be a great support to improve healing and functioning of the body in general.

Bali Beads
Our Bali silver beads are authentic and handmade by artists in Bali, Indonesia using genuine 925 sterling silver.

Black Onyx
The ancient Romans entered battle carrying amulets of Black Onyx engraved with Mars, the god of war. This was believed to bestow courage in battle. In Renaissance Europe, wearing Black Onyx was believed to bestow eloquence. A traditional Persian belief is that it helped with epilepsy. Black Onyx was traditionally used by English midwives to ease childbirth by laying it between the breasts of the mother.
Black Onyx primarily refers to the parallel banded variety of the silicate mineral chalcedony. Agate and onyx are both varieties of layered chalcedony that differ only in the form of the bands: agate has curved bands and onyx has parallel bands. The colors of its bands range from black to almost every color.
Provenance of Black Onyx:
Black Onyx is a gemstone found in various regions of the world including Yemen, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Latin America, the UK, and various states in the US.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Black Onyx:
A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy.

Blue Cloisonne
This cloisonné natural stone bracelet is called ‘Blue Lake’ because of the striking colors of the handmade, finely polished stone beads. Natural stone conveys the properties of the earth, as is appropriate when each bead seems almost a world in miniature.

Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate is a type of Agate that has blue and white banding patterns throughout. Blue Lace Agate is a rare kind of stones, causing it to be most expensive than most stones. Blue Lace Agate is found in Africa and is especially hard.
Provenance of Blue Lace Agate:
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Blue Lace Agate:
Blue Lace Agate is the Birthstone of Gemini (May 21 to June 21). This zodiac sign is often connected with Blue Lace. Its soothing vibrations are very good for any Geminis who are nervous or shy. It also enhances the Gemini traits of affectionate, loving, and curious natures.

Blue Sea Sediment
Blue Sea Sediment a.k.a. Sea Sediment Jasper is only one of the names for this absolutely gorgeous stone that is also referred to as: “Aqua Terra Jasper” (the blue & green colors), “Impression Jasper” (for it does make quite the impression), “Snakeskin Jasper”, as well as “Variscite” and “Regalite”. This stone has proven to be somewhat of a mystery. We know that it is a natural jasper material from Africa that has a somewhat jelly-like lustre resembling.
Sea Sediment Jasper is a gemstone of stability. It is said to be a powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to wear on yourself.
The blue & green varieties of Sea Sediment Jasper are wonderful stones for helping one find inner peace, clarity, love and compassion, helping with the alignment of the physical and “Light” bodies and is an excellent stone for emotional healing.
Whatever their properties I think these stones are such fabulous colours they bring fun and optimism just by looking at them!
Provenance of Blue Sea Sediment:
Ocean Jasper is mined in Madagascar, the only place on earth, near the town of Marovato. Throughout the North-West coast of the island, after many years of futile search, this extremely original mineral would be found in the root.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Blue Sea Sediment:
Jasper is recognised as the “supreme nurturer”. It holds and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquillity. It is often used to help with dream recall and shamanic journeying.

Blue Striped Onyx Agate
Agate and onyx are two different names given to varieties of chalcedony. Blue agate is found in nature, but is often dyed as well. Its appearance can vary from barely bluish-white to nearly cobalt. It can be banded, or appear uniformly milky. Blue agate is almost always cut “en cabochon”, meaning with a smooth polish.
Faceting is uncommon, as the translucent to opaque material doesn’t play light through facets like clear stones.
Provenance of Blue Striped Onyx Agate:
Agate mines are found almost everywhere in the world. But some of the more important mines are found in USA, Russia, Europe and Canada.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Blue Striped Onyx Agate:
It is thought to bring balance and self control. It is perfect for people under extreme mental or emotional stress.

Blue Tiger's Eye
Hawk’s Eye, also known as Falcon’s Eye, is a blue-gray to blue-green opaque gemstone variety of fibrous quartz. More specifically, it is a variety of macrocrystalline quartz. The fine layers of Quartz crystals within Hawk’s Eye reflect light and give the stone its characteristic silky sheen.
Hawk’s Eye is also known as Blue Tiger Eye, Falcon’s Eye, Rodusite and Silicified Crocidolite.
Provenance of Hawk’s Eye / Falcon’s Eye:
The most important source of stone is South Africa, but it is also found in India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Western Australia, Brazil and California.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Hawk’s Eye / Falcon’s Eye:
The healing properties of the Hawk’s Eye are assessed to cure the fractures in addition to the muscle cramps. The stone is believed to strengthen the heart to deal with the distressing emotions and gather the courage to deal with the emotional ups and downs of the life.

Named for the area in Africa where it is mined, Botswana Agate is called the Sunset Stone because it retains sunlight and comforts people through dark, lonely nights. The volcanic activity that produced these lovely stones dates back nearly 187 million years ago, and though the igneous stones of Botswana began as volcanic flow, they did not originate from normal, mountainous volcanoes.
Rather the lava flowed in waves from long faults along the lower rock layers and rolled across the landscape, depositing layer upon layer of Silica/Quartz, creating the extra fine banding and patterns which make Botswana Agates highly unique and desirable.
Provenance of Botswana:
Surprise… Botswana.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Botswana:
it is comforting and protective, soothing to those who are lonely, easily hurt or grieve a loss.

Chrysanthemum Fossil Coral
Chrysanthemum also known as Fossil Coral is a natural type of gemstone formed by ancient corals. The proper name for fossil coral is ‘agatized coral’ or ‘agatized fossil coral’, because during formation, the coral remains are gradually replaced with agate, a variety of naturally occurring chalcedony, or microcrystalline quartz. When prehistoric corals are fossilized through replacement with agate, the fossil coral forms through hardened deposits left by silica-rich waters. The entire process can take over 20 million years and occurs only under very unique geological conditions. Corals are marine animals and it is their skeletons that are fossilized and preserved, often leaving flower-like patterns in the stone.
The oldest coral fossils are over 500 million years old. The earliest forms were different from those we see today and they died out 225 million years ago. Modern corals are still common in tropical oceans. These are solitary corals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Chrysanthemum can be color enhanced.
Provenance of Chrysanthemum Fossil Coral:
Indonesia, USA (Florida and Georgia).
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Chrysanthemum Fossil Coral:
Coral represents diplomacy and concurrence. It quiets the emotions and brings peace to within the self. Facilitates intuition, imagination and visualisation.

Coffee Striped Agate
Agate is the name given to numerous varieties of banded Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. Its name comes from the Achetes River in Sicily, where Agates were first found.
Usually banded in layers, or stripes, some varieties have “eye” markings, or specks of color, some have fossilized inclusions, and others are solid.
Provenance of Coffee Striped Agate:
Brasil, Minnesota USA.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Coffee Striped Agate:
It cleanses and stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety.

Gibeon Meteorite
Not only the sky is the limit, but the universe is the limit! Finally we got an exclusive quantity of the Gibeon meteorite, created over 4 billion years ago. Gibeon is a meteorite that fell in prehistoric times in Namibia. It was named after the nearest town: Gibeon. This precious metal is shaped into a wearable beads bracelet combined with Matt Obsidian Black beads.
This one-of-a-kind piece features an exceptional Widmanstätten pattern, which is a unique crystalline structure that only forms in meteorites during their journey through space.
This Gibeon bracelet is skillfully handcrafted by our expert artisans, who have carefully cut and polished the meteorite to highlight its natural beauty. The metal links that hold the meteorite piece in place are made from high-quality stainless steel, ensuring durability and a comfortable fit.
This bracelet is not only a stunning piece of jewelry but also a fascinating conversation starter. The Gibeon meteorite is named after the town in Namibia where it was discovered in the early 1800s and is known for its high nickel content and unique pattern.
Our Gibeon meteorite bracelet is perfect for anyone who appreciates the beauty and mystery of the universe. It comes in a stylish gift box, making it an ideal present for a loved one or a unique addition to your own jewelry collection.
The Gibeon Meteorite was first reported by Capt. J.E. Alexander in 1838. He heard of masses of native iron up to two feet square on the east side of the Great Fish River. While he did not see the masses himself, he was able to obtain samples for analysis. Undoubtedly, the natives in the area were previously aware of these occurrences, since they were found on the surface AND THEY MADE TOOLS FROM THIS METEORITE. In the years following, Europeans established large cattle ranches in the area and recovered many more large meteorites. A 232 kg mass was recovered in 1857. Many masses between 100 and 500 kg were recovered in the years shortly after 1900. As late as the publication of the Handbook of Iron Meteorites in 1975, scientists were reporting the that Gibeon consisted primarily of large masses and lacked the smaller pieces like those found at Canyon Diablo, Odessa, and Sikhote-Alin. Buchwald speculated that greater knowledge might reveal smaller specimens or that smaller fragments may have been collected by natives and made into tools. It seems that lack of knowedge may have been the answer. In the past year or two increasing numbers of small Gibeon Meteorites have been exported. It may be that with modern metal detection equipment meteorite hunters will locate a substantial number of smaller specimens.
Provenance of Gibeon:
Gibeon Namibia

Green African Turquoise
Although African Turquoise is called Turquoise, it is actually not turquoise in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a form of jasper that is mined in Africa, and is often treated to give it that rich blue-green color we love about traditional turquoise.
Provenance of Green African Turquoise:
South Africa.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Green African Turquoise:
African Turquoise is the “Stone of Evolution.” It encourages growth and development to foster positive change from within. It opens the mind to new ideas and endless possibilities. African Turquoise is a stone that inspires structure and balance to awaken one to their intended purpose.

Grey Map Jasper
The Jasper Stone is a variety of Chalcedony. It’s an opaque stone that’s usually brown in color, but it also comes in grey, blue, white, purple, green, pink, red, orange, and yellow.
Its name is derived from the Latin ‘iaspidem’, or the Old French ‘jaspre’. The name Jasper means spotted or speckled stone. This is because it sometimes has mineral, ash, or sediment material.
Provenance of Grey Map Jasper:
Jasper Stone is found all over the world, but most comes from India and Australia.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Grey Map Jasper:
The Jasper Stone is known as the Nurturing Stone. Having it in your life will feel like having a best friend by your side because it will sustain you during times of stress.
It will bring you peacefulness, happiness, and completeness. It will give your confidence a boost, and it will get rid of all your irrational fears.
Jasper Stone has often be said to be associated with good blood flow, with the season of autumn, and with a sense of inner grounding.

Hematite is a shiny, dark-colored stone found all over the world. It is made mainly of iron, which gives it its metallic sheen. In Ancient Rome, hematite was a popular stone for decorative purposes. Jewelry, weapons, and even armor decorated with hematite were traded widely.
Roman warriors associated hematite with Mars, the Roman God of War. The soldiers used hematite for protection in battles, believing it would make them invincible.
For thousands of years, Hematite has been prized by many cultures. The Egyptians used hematite to calm anxiety. The famous Greek physician/philosopher, Aelius Galenus used it to treat eye infections and as a cure for headaches. Roman soldiers believed that when hematite was rubbed all over their bodies it provided protection during battle. Legend has it that, blood spilled at these ancient Roman battles saturated the ground and seeped into the earth creating this “blood” stone. Native Americans also believed that war paint made from hematite would make one invincible in combat.
The Hematite properties and uses are very grounding, stabilizing and protective, making it one of the most powerful crystals for meditation.
Provenance of Hematite:
Gray hematite is typically found in places that can have still standing water or mineral hot springs, such as those in Yellowstone National Park in North America. The spectral signature of hematite was seen on the planet Mars by the infrared spectrometer on the NASA Mars Global Surveyor (“MGS”) and 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft in orbit around Mars.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Hematite:
Hematite calms in times of stress or worry. It also helps to absorb negative energy. Hematite helps with mental organization, balancing energy, enhancing memory and increasing intuition as well as boosts the wearer’s self-esteem.

Howlite was discovered near Windsor, Nova Scotia in 1868 by Henry How, a Canadian chemist, geologist, and mineralogist. Howlite, a calcium borosilicate hydroxide (Ca2B5SiO9(OH)5), is a borate mineral found in evaporite deposits. How was alerted to the unknown mineral by miners in a gypsum quarry, who found it to be a nuisance.
He called the new mineral silico-boro-calcite; it was given the name Howlite by James Dwight Dana shortly thereafter.
Provenance of Howlite:
Canada, Los Angeles, USA.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Howlite:
It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. A calming stone, Howlite calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression. Howlite balances calcium levels in the body. It aids teeth, bones and soft tissue.

Kyanite is typically a blue aluminosilicate mineral, usually found in aluminium-rich metamorphic pegmatites and/or sedimentary rock. Kyanite in metamorphic rocks generally indicates pressures higher than four kilobars. It is commonly found in quartz. Although potentially stable at lower pressure and low temperature, the activity of water is usually high enough under such conditions that it is replaced by hydrous aluminosilicates such as muscovite, pyrophyllite, or kaolinite. Kyanite is also known as disthene, rhaeticite and cyanite.
Kyanite is a member of the aluminosilicate series, which also includes the polymorph andalusite and the polymorph sillimanite. Kyanite is strongly anisotropic, in that its hardness varies depending on its crystallographic direction. In kyanite, this anisotropism can be considered an identifying characteristic.
Its name comes from the same origin as that of the color cyan, being derived from the Ancient Greek word κύανος. This is generally rendered into English as <i>kyanos</i> or <i>kuanos</i> and means “dark blue”.
Provenance of Kyanite:
Austria, Burma, Brazil, Cambodia, India, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Tanzania, the United States (Connecticut, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia) and Zimbabwe.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Kyanite:
Kyanite is an excellent stone for meditation and attunement. It will not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requiring clearing.

Labradorite ((Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8), is a feldspar mineral. Labradorization is the peculiar reflection of the light from submicroscopical planes orientated in one direction (rarely in two directions); these planes have never such a position that they can be expressed by simple indices, and they are not directly visible under the microscope.
Provenance of Labradorite:
The geological type area for labradorite is Paul’s Island near the town of Nain in Labrador, Canada. It has also been reported in Norway, Finland and various other locations worldwide.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Labradorite:
A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition – promoting psychic abilities. Powerful in revealing the truth behind illusions, Labradorite banishes fears and insecurities, and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe. It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas.

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli (/ˈlæpɪs ˈlæzjʊli, -laɪ/), or lapis for short, is a deep-blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense color.
As early as the 7th millennium BCE, lapis lazuli was mined in the Sar-i Sang mines, in Shortugai, and in other mines in Badakhshan province in northeast Afghanistan.
Lapis was highly valued by the Indus Valley Civilisation (3300–1900 BCE) and lapis beads have been found at Neolithic burials in Mehrgarh, the Caucasus, and as far away from Afghanistan as Mauritania. It was used in the funeral mask of Tutankhamun (1341–1323 BCE).
Provenance of Lapis Lazuli:
Afghanistan, Russia, Chile, Italy, Mongolia, USA, Canada.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Lapis Lazuli:
When you connect with the high frequencies of the Lapis Lazuli crystal, it helps support spiritual enlightenment by allowing you to go deeper within the self.

Larimar is a type of pectolite or a rock composed largely of pectolite, an acid silicate hydrate of calcium and sodium.
Pectolite is found in many locations, but larimar has a unique volcanic blue coloration, which is the result of copper substitution for calcium.
Larimar is the embodiment of the quiet energies of the Sea and the Sky. Its soft, soothing blue and soothing turquoise is streaked with white motifs reminiscent of the sunlight that dances beneath the waters of the Caribbean.
Miocene volcanic rocks, andesites and basalts, erupted within the limestones of the south coast of the island Dominican Republic.
Larimar jewelry is offered to the public in the Dominican Republic, and elsewhere in the Caribbean as a local speciality. Most jewelry produced is set in silver, but sometimes high-grade Larimar is also set in gold.
Quality grading is according to coloration and the typical mineral crystal configuration in the stone. Larimar also comes in green and even with red spots, brown strikes, etc., due to the presence of other minerals and/or oxidation. But the more intense the blue color and the contrast in the stone, the higher and rarer is the quality. The blue color is photosensitive and fades with time if exposed to too much light and heat.
Provenance of Larimar:
Domincan Republic only.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Larimar:
Larimar brings serenity, clarity and constructive thought. It stimulates creativity and encourages you to go with the flow. Larimar makes constructive thinking easier and stimulates creative activity, it helps you refrain from manipulating things and events unnecessarily, instead just allowing them to happen.

Lava Stone
Lava Stone is easily the oldest found stone in the world; hence, it’s used by nearly an endless amount of cultures. Lava stone literally comes from the core of the earth- fiery brimstone that bubbles to the surface and cools. Once the stone is cool, it becomes porous and black, creating the beautiful black color so many have come to love. This is known as basalt, and can mostly be found in the ocean.
Provenance of Lava Stone:
As its name would suggest, the stone comes from the core of the earth. Because this stone comes from such a raw energy (fire), it’s considered to be a stone of rebirth. Known for its grounding and calming healing properties, lava stone is great for stabilizing the root chakra.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Lava Stone:
Lava Stone give us strength to face times of change. It connect us to Mother Earth. It’s calming effects are very useful in helping to vanish anger.

Malachite is a green copper carbonate hydroxide mineral with a chemical composition of Cu<sub>2</sub>(CO<sub>3</sub>)(OH)<sub>2</sub>. It was one of the first ores used to produce copper metal. It is of minor importance today as an ore of copper because it is usually found in small quantities and can be sold for higher prices for other types of use.
Provenance of Malachite:
Australia, Brasil, Colombia, Congo, United States, France, Mexico, Namibia, Rusland.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Malachite:
Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. An extremely powerful metaphysical stone, Malachite is often called the “stone of transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer.

Moonstone, sourced ethically from the pristine regions of Sri Lanka, is known for its captivating sheen, resembling the glow of the moon. Each stone is hand-selected for its unique color play and quality, ensuring that your bracelet is made from only the finest materials.
Moonstone is revered for its ability to enhance intuition, emotional balance, and calmness. Wearing this bracelet allows you to tap into your inner wisdom, embrace change with grace, and feel centered in your everyday life. The serene beauty of the stone promotes harmony and peace, making it a perfect companion for those seeking clarity and personal growth.

Murano Silver or Gold Foil Venetian Glass
Murano Silver or Gold Foil Venetian Glass Beads are made with submerged silver or gold foil are the most used of all our Venetian Beads. Whatever design you choose, silver or gold foil beads are enhancing your piece. The Murano Silver or Gold Foil Venetian Glass Beads are authentic and handmade by our artists in Venice Italy.
Provenance of Murano Silver or Gold Foil Venetian Glass:

Obsidian Black
Obsidian is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth.
It is commonly found within the margins of rhyolitic lava flows known as obsidian flows, where the chemical composition (high silica content) induces a high degree of viscosity and polymerization of the lava.
Provenance of Obsidian Black:
Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia, Canada, Chile, Georgia, Greece, El Salvador, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Scotland, Turkey and the United States.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Obsidian Black:
Obsidian Black is a strong psychic protection stone. It cleans your psychic smog. Obsidian Black helps to shield you against negativity.

Obsidian Snowflake
A variety of Obsidian Black. A rock – a natural volcanic glass containing white ‘snowflake’ crystal patterns of the mineral cristobalite, originated due to partial crystallization of the gem.
Provenance of Obsidian Snowflake:
Argentina, USA.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Obsidian Snowflake:
A stone of purity, Obsidian Snowflake, brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Obsidian Snowflake helps to keep centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation (office, commute, home, etc.) presents itself. Obsidian Snowflake can remove negativity from a space or person with ease.

Opal Bracelet – Made in Rome:
The Essence of Timeless Elegance Crafted with precision in the heart of Rome, our opal bracelet is more than just a piece of jewelry—it’s an experience. The iridescent glow of the opal dances with every movement, creating an effortless blend of sophistication and bold design. This innovative piece is designed for those who appreciate the beauty of natural gemstones while embracing the timeless elegance of Italian craftsmanship. With each glance, you’ll feel the subtle balance between classic charm and modern appeal. Discover a new standard of brilliance with a bracelet that effortlessly elevates any look.
Provenance of Materials:
The opals used in this bracelet are sourced from the renowned fields of Ethiopia, known for producing some of the world’s most luminous and radiant opals. Hand-selected for their superior quality, these opals are then meticulously set by skilled artisans in Rome, bringing the perfect union of natural beauty and Italian expertise to life.
- Emotional Balance: Opal is known for its ability to bring emotional stability and clarity, helping wearers to center themselves.
- Inspiration & Creativity: This stone is often associated with unlocking creative energies, making it perfect for those in need of artistic inspiration.
- Unique Sparkle: The opal’s mesmerizing play of color is unlike any other gemstone, offering a unique piece of jewelry that changes with the light.

Provenance of Pearls:
Pearls have held a place of honor in human culture for millennia. These shimmering gems of the sea were prized by royalty and revered by civilizations from ancient Rome to the courts of Europe. The sweet water pearls used in this bracelet are sourced from sustainable farms, ensuring that their beauty is both natural and ethical. The artisan craftsmanship of Rome adds another layer of cultural significance, as the city has long been a hub for fine jewelry.
Wearing pearls is like wearing a piece of history. From Cleopatra to modern-day icons, pearls have adorned the necks and wrists of those who appreciate their effortless elegance. With each pearl, you’re connecting to the legacy of beauty and sophistication that transcends time and trends.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Pearls:
Wearing pearls is said to offer more than just physical beauty. Throughout history, pearls have been associated with calmness, balance, and purity. Many believe that pearls help the wearer remain centered in stressful situations, providing a calming effect on the mind and body.
Emotional Healing:
Pearls are thought to soothe and heal emotional wounds, enhancing inner peace and clarity. They can also be a symbol of wisdom gained through experience, representing personal growth and transformation.
Physical Benefits:
Pearls are also linked to physical well-being. Some claim that wearing pearls can help balance bodily rhythms and hormone levels with their soft, cooling energy. They are also believed to strengthen relationships and nurture a spirit of love and care in both personal and professional relationships.
Spiritual Significance:
In spiritual contexts, pearls are often seen as symbols of purity and integrity. Wearing them may help you stay true to your values and principles while projecting an aura of confidence and calm to the world.

Provenance of Materials:
Our peridot is ethically sourced from volcanic regions, ensuring only the highest quality stones. This Roman-made piece marries traditional Italian craftsmanship with nature’s brilliance.
Wearing peridot can:
- Help reduce stress and anger
- Restore balance and clarity
- Promote emotional healing and inner peace
Let this bracelet be your daily reminder of serenity and renewal.

Phantom Quartz
Phantom Quartz is a variety of quartz, or “rock crystal”, that forms over pre-existing crystals. The included crystal is visible due to some variation in composition making the boundary of the included crystal visible. Such crystals display the outlines of numerous smaller crystals, known as phantoms.
Like regular quartz, the chemical composition of phantom quartz is silicon dioxide (SiO2). The available forms of phantom quartz are crystal groups and single crystals used as jewelry pendants.
Provenance of Phantom Quartz:
Austria, Brazil, Madagascar, Switzerland, and the United States.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Phantom Quartz:
Phantoms Quartz are symbolic of universal awareness and the many phases of the cycle of life. Phantoms are believed to bring great healing to the Earth by helping to assimilate the past. You can use Phantoms to facilitate inner growth, and when in need of help in understanding and resolving past issues in your life.

Picasso Jasper
Named after the painter Pablo Picasso, this unique gemstone is found in the state of Utah in the United States. The gemstone has an abstract, modernistic look with its wide streaks of black, grey and occasional red. Belongs to the Silicate, chalcedony, quartz group.
Provenance of Picasso Jasper:
Utah, USA.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Picasso Jasper:
Picasso Jasper is a healing stone for Creative Talents. Picasso Jasper, also called Picasso Stone, supports one so that one has the will power to persevere. Metaphysically, it is used to release creativity blocks, awaken spirit. and has strong calming and qualities. It is known to aid in building relationships and self-discipline, while some say it also promotes weight loss. In astrology, Picasso Jasper is the birthstone of the Leo.

Picture Jasper
Picture Jasper gets its name for its surface that appears like a portrait. Picture Jasper is like looking into the Earth. Picture Jasper is a brown colored jasper with a mixture of tans, browns, cream, and grey.
Provenance of Picture Jasper:
Idaho, Oregon, California, Utah, Wyoming, and Washington, United States,
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Picture Jasper:
Picture Jasper empowers your inner Earth energy, to go to places or times in the past. Connect yourself to sacred places.
It is a very good stone to use when you are working with dreams or visioning.

Red Bamboo
We offer Red Bamboo Coral, which is very similar to the real Coral, but it’s not the same. We’re very honest about it. Red Mediterranean Coral is a extremely rare product what not has been harvest anymore. Who buys, for example, a jewel made of bamboo in a conscious way, he knows to buy a beautiful product that is similar to the Mediterranean Red Coral although not the same thing.
Named “bamboo” because its skeleton is made up of deeply calcified gorgonin — or horny — nodes, red-dyed bamboo coral has replaced red coral in jewelry design due to red coral’s depletion. Bamboo coral is either dipped in red dye or injected with dye to saturate it throughout. The dyeing process happens just after the bamboo coral has been hand cut into the desired shape — usually a bead — and is sanded. Once dyed, the coral bead is then coated with a resin base and polished to achieve the high gloss finish found in jewelry. Because bamboo coral is naturally soft and porous, keep your coral jewelry away from perfumes and hairsprays to avoid damage.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Red Bamboo Coral:
When you wear Red Bamboo Coral, you wear vitality, energy, and ambition. This stunning stone made from the remains of coral polyps, symbolizes the god of war, Mars.

Red Carnelian
Orange stones, especially the carnelians, are excellent aids for training, coordination of physical exercise programs, and for balancing body energy levels. The color can vary greatly, ranging from pale orange to an intense almost-black coloration.
Provenance of Red Carnelian:
Indonesia, Brazil, India, Russia (Siberia), and Germany.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Red Carnelian:
Carnelians boost a listless attitude and can stimulate the appetite.

Red Garnet
Natural Red Garnet is Dark-red. It is a very strong color – the color of fire and blood.
Garnets are a group of silicate minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives.
All species of garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms, but differ in chemical composition. The different species are pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular (varieties of which are hessonite or cinnamon-stone and tsavorite), uvarovite and andradite. The garnets make up two solid solution series: pyrope-almandine-spessartine and uvarovite-grossular-andradite. Garnet species are found in many colours including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black and colourless, with reddish shades most common.
Provenance of Red Garnet:
Brazil, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and the USA. Smaller deposits exist in Austria and the Czech Republic.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Red Garnet:
It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony.

Red Grid Agate
Agate is the name given to numerous varieties of banded Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. Its name comes from the Achetes River in Sicily, where Agates were first found. Usually banded in layers, or stripes, some varieties have “eye” markings, or specks of color, some have fossilized inclusions, and others are solid. Called the earth rainbow, the concentric bands of Agate form in nearly every color the earth can produce, including a colorless form.

Rhyolite can be considered as the extrusive equivalent to the plutonic granite rock, and consequently, outcrops of rhyolite may bear a resemblance to granite. Due to their high content of silica and low iron and magnesium contents, rhyolitic magmas form highly viscous lavas. They also occur as breccias or in volcanic plugs and dikes. Rhyolites that cool too quickly to grow crystals form a natural glass or vitrophyre, also called obsidian.
Provenance of Rhyolite:
France, Germany, Andes, Yellowstone, New Zealand, India.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Rhyolite:
Rhyolite is said to be a stone of solutions, change and progress. It stimulates acceptance and healing, when dealing with unresolved past events.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz inspires, if one has lost their mother, nurturing of yourself, as Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal. It is a good stone during pregnancy, and to keep near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow.
Provenance of Rose Quartz:
Madagascar, India, Germany, South Dakota USA, Brazil.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Rose Quartz:
Rose Quartz is a pink-colored crystal that carries a very gentle and soothing energy and can give comfort to anyone feeling wounded. The gemstone is used for healing the heartsick and is a natural remedy that can treat any issue that needs emotional healing.

Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated Quartz is a variety of quartz which contains acicular (needle-like) inclusions of rutile.
It is used for gemstones. These inclusions mostly look golden, but they also can look silver, copper red or deep black. They can be distributed randomly or in bundles, which sometimes are arranged star-like, and they can be sparse or dense enough to make the quartz body nearly opaque. While otherwise inclusions often reduce the value of a crystal, rutilated quartz in fact is valued for the quality and beauty of these inclusions.
Provenance of Rutilated quartz:
Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Rutilated Quartz:
Rutilated Quartz has been referred to as Cupid’s darts, Venus hair stone and Fleches d’amour. The name quartz comes from the Saxon word querklufterz which meant cross vein ore. The name rutile comes from the Latin word rutilus meaning red.

Blue Sandstone
This astonishing Blue Sandstone looks like it has the whole galaxy trapped inside. Blue Sandstone is known to help with concentration and increasing intelligence.
It is also believed to improve work efficiency and study ability. Blue Sandstone is not a natural stone, but man made.
Nevertheless: it’s gorgeous!

Snakeskin Blue Jasper
This gorgeous stone features a combination of spots, swirls and contrasting matrix in greyish blue and brown tones.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Snakeskin Blue Jasper:
Snakeskin Blue Jasper is a protective and a calming stone. It guards one against the negative impact of the body and helps to attain positive aura within the environment. It may be red or cream with a yellow tinge on its surface.

Blue is a rare color for rocks and minerals. When was the last time you found a rock with a vivid blue color? Have you ever found one in nature?
When a blue rock – especially one capable of serving as a gem material – is found it immediately has a market. Sodalite is a rare rock-forming mineral best known for its blue to blue-violet color. It has a chemical composition of Na4Al3Si3O12Cl and is a member of the feldspathoid mineral group. High quality sodalite is used as a gemstone, a sculptural material, and an architectural stone.
Provenance of Sodalite:
USA, Namibia, Canada, Russia, Greenland.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Sodalite:
Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.

Strawberry Quartz
Quartz with red inclusions of iron oxide is rare, and is often sold under the name Strawberry Quartz or red fire quartz.
Strawberry Quartz is the pink variety of Quartz that has the mixture of Goethite and Iron Oxide that infuse the crystalline matrix.
Its color ranges from light pink, strawberry pink, to raspberry pink.
Provenance of Strawberry Quartz:
Mexico, Africa, Russia.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Strawberry Quartz:
Strawberry Quartz is a gemstone that has a meaning and properties related to love. People believed that it has the power to vitalize the energy of heart around the breast. Strawberry Quartz can receive the love energy from the heaven. … This gemstone is one of the most important healing gemstones.

Sunstone is a reddish variety of oligoclase feldspar, used as a gem, having a red and bright-yellow play of color.
Provenance of Sunstone:
United States.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Sunstone:
In crystal therapy Sunstone is used to speed up the metabolism and restore good digestion. It has a rebalancing power on the various organs. Acts in the throat and stomach area, reduces tension. Helps overcome the depressive states that affect seasonal changes.

Swarovski is an Austrian producer of crystal headquartered in Wattens, Austria. Swarovski has been a family-owned business since it was founded in 1895 by Daniel Swarovski.
Today, the Swarovski Crystal Business is one of the highest grossing business units within Swarovski, with a global reach of approximately 3,000 stores in around 170 countries, more than 29,000 employees, and a revenue of about 2.7 billion euros (in 2018).
All Swarovski crystal produced since 2012 have been lead-free. Swarovski is now run by the fifth generation of family members.

Tiger's Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock with a golden to red-brown colour and a silky lustre. As members of the quartz group, tiger’s eye and the related blue-coloured mineral hawk’s eye gain their silky, lustrous appearance from the parallel intergrowth of quartz crystals and altered amphibole fibres that have mostly turned into limonite.
Provenance of Tiger’s Eye:
South Africa and Western Australia.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Tiger’s Eye:
A stone of protection, Tiger’s Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer.

Tridacna is Earth’s whitest Stone and also very rare.
Tridacna is a saltwater clam with heavy shells with folds in them. From Italy to the far East artifacts in Tridacna have been found in several archaeologic sites. The Tridacna shells have been used for decorational purposes in the Phoenicia times. (Phoenician civilization Phoenicia was an ancient civilization (Before the Roman Empire!) which covered most of the coast of todays Lebanon to Egypt to Carthage Northern Africa. Their maritime culture spans from 1550 BC to 300BC.)
Similar in artistic style, they were probably produced, made or distributed from the southern coast of Phoenicia. The back sides of the shells were decorated showing animal, humans and floral motifs.
Outside the Mediterranean territory, Tridacna has been used in Buddhist relics.
Provenance of Tridacna:
Mediterranean Sea and Indo-Pacific Ocean.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Tridacna:
Tridacna stone helps to soothe nerves to calm the entire body and it also helps ease insomnia.

Turquoise Calsilica
Turquoise Calsilica is also called “rainbow calsilica”. Turquoise Calsilica is a mixture of several types of different rocks. Thus meaning it does not have a crystalline structure. It is built up of calcium carbonate (calcite) and man-made coloring pigments (paraffin) along with man-made bonding agents (resin). This stone is a microcrystalline calcite creation bonded naturally or synthetically with the clay mineral called allophane. Although, Calsilica’s energies come from the color.
What is the Gemstone Bracelet Meaning & Gemstone Bracelet Benefits of Turquoise Calsilica:
Natural or not, it is a beautiful stone to endure. Being the show stopper from many years, it is advised to grab this gem for its excellent healing properties.
Turquoise Calsilica is famous for its bright blue color and is said to promote healing powers, wealth, and good luck. It increases physical growth, muscular strength, warmth to the extremities, relaxes cramps and has an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect. It encourages listening to intuitive guidance and living with the integrity of purpose.

Turquoise is one of the oldest-known gemstones. In addition to being ancient, Turquoise is also a December birthstone. Its distinct robin’s egg blue color has drawn people to this gem for centuries, and it’s symbolic of healing, wealth, and luck.
Turquoise has been admired for centuries, not only for its stunning color but also for its symbolic and healing properties. Here are some benefits often associated with wearing turquoise:
Emotional Balance & Peace:
Turquoise is said to promote serenity and tranquility, helping to calm emotions and alleviate stress. It’s often seen as a stone that encourages a sense of peace and well-being.
Protection & Purification:
Many cultures view turquoise as a protective stone. It is believed to ward off negative energy, protect against accidents, and promote overall safety. Some also use it for spiritual purification.
Enhanced Communication:
Turquoise is connected to the throat chakra, which is associated with self-expression and communication. Wearing Turquoise is believed to improve articulation and encourage open, honest communication.
Physical Healing:
In traditional healing practices, Turquoise is thought to have anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. It has been associated with respiratory, immune, and skeletal health, and is said to promote healing and vitality.
Connection with Nature
Its blue-green color symbolizes the earth and sky, representing a harmonious connection with nature. This association helps foster grounding, while also inspiring a sense of wonder and exploration.
Spiritual Growth
Turquoise is often considered a stone of wisdom and spiritual journeying. It helps to clear the mind, making way for higher insights and growth in one’s spiritual practice.
Turquoise is not just a beautiful gemstone but is also revered for its rich, holistic benefits, making it a meaningful choice for jewelry.